JONATHAN (male, 18)
1. The Holy Trinity. (Father. Son. Holy Spirit.)
2. Salvation
3. Prayer
4. The Lord of the Rings (The book, the movies, all of it)
5. JRR Tolkien
6. The Hobbit
7. History.
8. Generosity
9. Axis and Allies (all versions)
10. Settlers of Catan (and all it’s associated expansions)
11. Friendly controversy
12. Laughter
13. Humor
14. Action/adventure movies
15. Best friends
16. Tea
17. Books
18. Water
19. Swimming
20. Music
21. Owl City
22. Pirates of the Caribbean
23. Pianos
24. Guitars
25. Payday
26. Friendship
27. Video games
28. Board games
29. Nights without homework
30. Snow days.
31. Thunder storms
32. “Perfect weather”
33. The beach
34. Slow days at work
35. Creating/designing
36. Manual labor (digging, cutting wood, lifting stones)
37. Airsoft
38. Kanakuk
39. Learning/Knowledge
40. Sneakiness
41. Live action role playing
42. Role playing games.
43. Minecraft
44. Jaffa cakes.
45. The Yogscast
46. The Johnson Family
47. Hans Saurino
48. My Bible study group
49. Katie Johnson’s daily Bible verse
50. Spotify
51. My car
52. My parents
53. The rest of my family
54. The color green
55. Derek Sharp
56. Phillip Allen Shaw
57. The Bible
58. Grace
59. Swords
60. Education
61. Peter Jackson
62. Sparkling water
63. My house
64. Watches
65. Showers
66. Rivers
67. Waterfalls
68. Bethesda
69. Mojang
70. Biola University
71. Project Ares
72. Big comfy chairs
73. Rhetoric class
74. Latin class
75. Magazines
76. Food
77. My computer
78. Dogs
79. Fellow Lord of the Rings enthusiasts
80. LOST
81. Calvin and Hobbes
82. Holidays
83. Sunrises
84. Sunsets
85. Nature
86. Government
87. Freedom
88. My church
89. Howard Shore
90. Hans Zimmer
91. Nicknames
92. Free Time
93. Community (When it’s real)
94. Skeet shooting
95. Maturity
96. Forgiveness
97. Mountains
98. Skis
99. Backpacks
100. Middle Earth
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