1. Jesus, my savior
2. my precious children
3. lazy saturday mornings
4. going camping
5. the mountains
6. hot coffee on a cold morning
7. my husband
8. having wonderful parents who love each other
9. road trips
10. finding time to lose myself in a book
11. crunchy fall leaves
12. nieces and nephews
13. chalkboards
14. our founding fathers
15. diet Dr. Pepper
16. the miracle of pregnancy
17. grace and mercy
18. pumpkins
19. contagious laughter
20. Christmas
21. used children's books
22. love, love, love
23. my children's teachers
24. fresh flowers
25. chocolate chip cookie dough
26. iced tea
27. backyard birds
28. walking on the beach
29. dear friends
30. hammocks
31. chocolate
32. old hymns
33. new worship songs
34. sparkling white snow
35. God's word
36. #2 yellow pencils–sharpened!
37. my family
38. sleeping in the cold mountains
39. blissful silence
40. learning about history
41. lazy summer days
42. large pine trees
43. hot apple cider
44. a clean house
45. Regent Preparatory School of Oklahoma
46. memories of my grandparents
47. the red dirt of Oklahoma
48. listening to stories from older generations
49. hearing my children play piano
50. snowdays
51. campfires
52. family gatherings
53. Easter
54. comfy blue jeans
55. baking
56. the color grey
57. pictures of my family
58. gathering for Thanksgiving
59. laughing
60. children's movies
61. time spent without technology
62. an unexpected free afternoon or evening
63. cloudy skies and distant thunder
64. It's A Wonderful Life
65. digging in the garden
66. sisters
67. the beautiful colors of fall
68. helping someone
69. s'mores
70. family vacations
71. a sunny, cool day
72. my suburban
73. cookbooks
74. fresh green grass
75. God's amazing love
76. cherry pie
77. seeing wildlife
78. Christmas lights
79. old movies
80. Regent Christmas chapel
81. time with friends
82. a rainy day at home
83. reading
84. a red Cardinal in the white snow
85. chocolate bon-bons
86. the last day of school
87. Tulsa Ballet's The Nutcracker
88. being surrounded by godly people
89. watching Regent sports
90. cleaning out and organizing
91. Starbucks latte
92. the kindness of others
93. my children's art
94. Regent Grandparents' Day
95. family golf outings
96. Panera's broccoli cheese soup
97. listening to the ocean
98. vintage fabrics
99. noon pick-up at Regent
100. the family's homemade chex-mix
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