ABIGAIL (female, 10)
1. mirror mirror
2. monkeys
3. Justice (the store)
4. i love having blue eyes
5. my blond hair
6. blue
7. tents
8. sleepovers
9. camp-outs
10. stars
11. tie-dye
12. art
13. soccer
14. math
15. Halloween
16. mad scientists (i've never met one, I guess I kinda am one.)
17. running, it makes me feel care-free
18. make-up
19. clothing
20. taking naps
21. the wind
22. archery
23. pickles
24. hot dogs
25. love
26. outer space
27. planets
28. roses–they remind me of strength because of the thorns, but beauty because of the roses.
29. flower petals
30. mint small
31. candles
32. fire places
33. the barbecueish smell outside when it is cold
34. the zoo run
35. my friend Eli
36. people with red hair
37. cookies
38. brownies
39. ice cream
40. coolmath.com
41. playing with refrigerator boxes
42. my mom
43. my dad
44. my brother
45. my friends at school
46. good teachers
47. Jesus died for my sins
48. I'm a Christian
49. K-7
50. outdoors
51. the Earth
52. My friend Jubilee
53. challenges
54. books
55. puppies
56. nature
57. animals
58. life
59. hope
60. my friend Sam
61. my family
62. Selby
63. boots
64. food
65. Joe White
66. pizza
67. gymnastics
68. health
69. medicine
71. summer
72. Sarah (the stuffed animal I sleep with)
73. tomorrow
74. happiness
75. P.E.
76. The Brady Bunch
77. Coaches at gymnastics
78. Girls who wanna have fun!!!
79. friends
80. stuffed animals
81. chick-fil-a sauce
82. spanish
83. my awesome babysitter named Selby Anne Perkins
84. my iTouch
85. the Bible
86. peace
87. music
88. cameras
89. Isabelle
90. Madeline
91. reading
92. Dr. Linnea Van Emman
93. Srta Jhonston
94. Alison (my friend)
95. Edy (my friend)
96. Jade (my friend)
97. God
98. trampolines
99. nights with no homework
100. plants
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