LINDSAY (female, 12)
1. Harry Potter
2. sisters
3. Mom
4. dad
5. Megan
6. tennis
7. Kara
8. roof over my head
9. food
10. water
11. God
12. Jesus
13. Kelsey
14. water
15. ocean
16. Grand
17. Papa
18. Honey
19. popcorn
20. Bubba
21. Chris
22. Nike shorts
23. lulu lemon
24. pasta
25. squash
26. running
27. Brussel sprouts
28. selby
29. friends
30. pretzels
31. Bible study
32. the Bible
33. the Eucharist
34. Phoenix
35. Ella
36. Matthew
37. Sadie
38. my buddy
40. Forrest
41. Sarah
42. hudson
43. Oliver
44. Taylor Swift
45. Justin beiber
46. runs
47. Tulsa run
48. Turkey trot
49. grapefruit
50. Amanda
51. Jack
52. bunnanas
53. strawberries
54. blueberries
55. rainbows
56. I'm third
57. OU
58. homemade pizza
59. raspberries
60. Tulsa
61. USA
62. verses
63. Oklahoma
64. Kanakuk
65. Ramona and Beezus
66. Kamp friends
67. k-life
68. road trips
69. lakes
70. getting letters
71. writing letters
72. honesty
73. coloring
74. crayons
75. keeping in contact with friends
76. the Resurrection
77. ABC movies
78. TLC
79. princess movies
80. Disney channel
81. the Cosby show
82. TV
83. mail
84. movies
85. couches
86. carrots
87. cauliflower
88. cabbage
89. broccoli
90. night
91. mornings
92. Toms
93. getting packages
94. kindergarten era
95. Ava
96. planes
97. llamas
98. airplanes landing
99. bed
100. neighbors
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