KATIE (female, 15)
1. friends that make me laugh
2. my mom and dad who always back me up
3. my crazy aunts, uncles, and cousins who always think that I'm growing taller even though I'm not.
4. My one and only sister
5. all those piano practices that I did not want to do but was forced to do anyways.
6. My piano teacher who almost always says, "Hey Katie, Katie!" when I walk in.
7. teachers that encourage me by challenging my brain and academic limits.
8. Music that makes me want to jump on my bed, sing at the top of my lungs, and dance.
9. A Bible that allows me to grow in my relationship with GOD.
10. A Christian Church that speaks the truth and claims the word of GOD.
11. A pillow and a bed beneath me when I sleep
12. Doctors who have taken care of me through the years
13. GOD, who has shown himself to me through the healing of my physical and spiritual heart.
14.John 3:16, a Christian organization, for helping me see the world as it truly is.
15. 4-6 year old kids in cherub choir who I want to yell at sometimes, but then say the funniest things like, "When I grow up I want to be an egg!"
16. My Chinese mother who decided to give life to me when she could have taken the easy way out and have an abortion.
17. My ex-best friend who taught me to look for the outsider and try to make friends with him/her.
18. food
19. clothes, even though shopping can be a pain.
20. parties where I can relax, have fun, and hang out with my friends.
21. Volleyball or sports in general.
22. Long hair that I can mess with and try different hair styles
23.The internet so I can look things up when my science teacher makes no sense.
24. The ability to have emotions.
25. The empty grave that shows us that Jesus is alive today.
26. Eating without getting food stuck in my braces
27. The smell of grass just after it has rained.
28. A full moon in the dark black sky.
29. The sound of rain hitting the ceiling of my house at night
30. Wild flowers that can be turned into a bouquet.
31. Babies
32. books
33. Inspirational quotes
34. erasers so I can make a mistake.
35. My aunt's strawberry patch and the jam she makes with the picked strawberries.
36. The ability to not know everything so I can continue to learn something new.
37. People who see things differently than I do.
38. The United States of America and everything it stands for
39. That I can truly be free in Christ
40. Wise men and women
41. Scienctists who show me how great my God is whether they want to or not.
42. Life's ironic ways
43. My school
44. Fuzzy sock and weird ones too.
45. Taylor Swift
46. Ugly clothes that are fun to make fun of.
47. My eighth grade class trip to D.C.
48. Musicals like 7 brides for 7 brothers.
49. Walt Disney and all his movies.
50. Hot running water
51. Love
52. NCIS
53. Funny family moments that you can laugh at anytime.
54. Faith and Hope
55. Glasses and contacts
56. Desserts
57. My birthday
58. School breaks
59. Kisses and Hugs (XO)
60. Card games
61. Silly pictures that freeze time
62. Finger nail polish (cuz how in the world would girls live without it?)
63. Advance technology in the medical field.
65. Antiques
66. Gifted artists, musicians, and others
67. a helping hand
68. Honest, hardworking people
69. people with cool accents
70. Corny Hallmark movies
71. Warm coats.
72. Surfing and waves
73. Amusement parks
74. New Life Ranch
75. Panda bears
76. Melodies that move your soul
77. Air conditioning and heating
78. Cooking utilities and kitchens
79. post-its
80. fairy tales
81. Long sleeve t-shirts
82. AWANA (a worker who is not ashamed... 2 Timothy 2:15)
83. Colorful sharpies and pens J
84. Presents and surprises
85. Word puzzles
86. Youtube.com and all the tutorials on there, from hair styles to how to do Jacob's Ladder with a string
87. Bicycles
88. Chocolate and ice cream
89. Big bows on little girls
90. Ping-pong (or table tennis)
91. Carmel apples now that I can actually eat them.
92. A computer that makes writing a parer so much easier instead of wasting tons of paper when I've messed up for the 40th time.
93. Lasting relationships
94. Stories of my parents when they were my age
95. Road trips
96. Bobby pins for holding my hair styles up.
97. The ability to be creative
98. Awkward moments, like the awkward moment when the person in the car next to yours at a stop sign is also looking at you
99. Earrings
100. To have at least 100 things I'm thankful for!!
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